Our Courses

Below, please find descriptions of the APEX courses available during the coming year. Each course provides 12-16 hours of activity over a four-week period (1.5 CEUs). Summer courses are compressed into three weeks each. Purchasing books may be required. Upon submission of all assignments, you will receive a certificate of completion. 

Spring Courses

Spring Courses

Personal Leadership I – Spring 2025
Operationalizing Vision in a School – Spring 2025
Leadership for Change: Understanding Change, Managing Transitions – Spring 2025
Building Healthy Parent Communities – Spring 2025
Case Study in School Leadership – Spring 2025

APEX Spring Courses
Summer Courses

Summer Courses

Building a Strong Faculty Culture – Summer 2025
Building a Strong Student Culture – Summer 2025
Personal Leadership II – Summer 2025
Instructional Coaching – July-November, 2024

APEX Summer Courses
Fall Courses

Fall Courses

Personal Leadership I – Fall 2024
Life of Thomas More – September 2-29, 2024

APEX Fall Courses
Instructional Coaching (internal employees only)

Instructional Coaching (internal employees only)

Instructional Coaching

Learn More
Register for our courses!

Register for our courses!

Sign up for the courses you want to take right here.